Digital data growth is on the rise and organizations are struggling to scale the speed and accuracy of processing thousands of digital documents.

To address this critical need in many organizations, Automation Anywhere has launched IQ Bot which enables any organization to automate human-centric processes involving fields and patterns. Intelligent IQ bots learn as they process by studying human behavior, becoming more accurate, faster and virtually foolproof, reducing human processing costs by more than 1/3.

Join us and learn:

  • How IQ Bot has the unique ability to learn by studying human behavior to instantly identify common, customized layouts and fields in ANY process intensive, human-centric environment

  • How IQ Bot applies human logic to document patterns, extracting values the way a human would – only instantly – and without the human

  • How IQ Bots can enable your organization to automate human-centric processes involving fields and patterns, 24X7X365 with unparalleled speed and accuracy but with a third fewer people, dramatically lowering operational costs

  • Customer examples and use cases


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